Sci fi future
Tuesday May 23rd 2240.
My God but hasn’t the time barrier become befuddled. Doing a cook meditation minding my own business, visualizing creamy coconut curry, when, out of the blue Wednesday Hugh taps me on the shoulder.” Don’t eat that curry Hugh you will get a sore tummy”
He was relaxed enough and very matter of fact, friendly even, but I found it awful annoying.
“Mind your own business, I’ll take my chances “ I said, and continued with entering coconut code on the chefmodule.
Wednesday Hugh laughed disdainfully, “You haven’t a clue boy “ he said as he tried to delete my inputs.
Well agitated now ( these glitches had been happening more frequently since the futurists were elected again, in the midst of accusations of cross time zone vote rigging , but it couldn’t be proved as the future people were notorious liars)
Agitated, I grabbed him and pushed him back, losing balance he lost his footing and knocked himself out on the hard floor. That`ll teach him.
Wednesday May 24th 2240.
Stomach hurts. Hurts bad, that coconut cream was badly oxygenated, a new chef app is needed in this pod. Boy ithurts, I know I shouldn’t but im going back to yesterday tell that clown to lay off the thai for a day.
Thursday May 25th 2240
Fuck my head hurts. . what a violent man Tuesday Hugh is !something wrong with that guy. Im going back to help Wednesday Hugh, that was bang out of order.
Tuesday May 23rd 2240.
I pushed moaning face Wednesday back for interfering, falling on to the floor…but caught just in time by ,,,whos this …fucking Thursday Hugh, Thursday caught wednesdday and put his arm around alright Hugh he enquired.
“Yeah thanks “Wednesday said, “Tuesday is trying to poison us “
“ I know, I know Thursday mused, .. but hes going to suffer tomorrow… “
“ well , not sure whats worse the sore head or the soretummy,,,what will do ?”
There was nothing for it…confused and panicking…I pressed the interconnect zone freeze. The three of us stood there in our remonstrative poses.
Sure if there was a bit more laissez faire attitude between the days we might get on a bit better, maybe pop in now and again for a wee “hello how ye getting on” or “ have a great day tomorrow “, but no, everyone for themselves, selfish thru n thru.
I pressed for tech help… the call centre guys were on another planet and didn’t have a clue about life here but that’s what happens when poor planet luddians were promised jobs in exchange for access to the chocolate stores.
“ Hello, press 1 for quantum vibrational faults, 2 for visualization trauma, 3 for chocolate payments of 4 to speak to someone from the planet luddite.”
I pressed 4.
A squeaky voiced, high pitched, stressed out commhelpstarted speaking.
“ Can I have your time zone prefix and cerebellum sim no. please ?”
Shit…where did I put that number…” eh..time zone 101256, and can’t remember my cerebellum sim sorry…”
“ Ok sir you’ll find the number on the innerskull if you use your brain scanner” he said bored with giving that advice a hundred times that day.
“ Yeah , hang on..” I switched on scanner and read out “ 2219839374”
“ Mr….. Hugh O`mac… ok how can I help ?”
“ Hi, I’ve got myself Wednesday and Thursday here stuck in a bit of a timeglitch confrontation”
“ Ok sir..lets have a look……now …are you near a power portal ?”
“Yes…just behind me here…”
“ Ok…sir “ he squeaked “could you just pull the plug out at the wall and wait a few minutes and switch it back on”
I pulled out the portal connecter.
Mmm I fancy a coconut curry.
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