Sci fi shorts

Led by a donkey part one . 

Famza McClavacle  hadn't encountered this situation before and rebooted himself with a hope of finding an appropriate response . An ecstatic tingle zapped around his mind and within  a black to white instant he looked again with fresh sight . ( those tingles were so good famza had to remind himself that switching on and off all day was overly confusing !) 
The holy donkey that wandered thru the" physical activity for betterment of life" zone,  seemed to Famza to be crying ,, while nudging him with his snout to guide in a certain direction . Well , for fear of upsetting the synchronicity police he moved in the way sad HolyDonkey suggested .. They walked slowly along the outdoor corridor , passers by mainly Jerremykylers, a slang term for homo-opioids , on route to the drug top up market.  Each and every one bowed and uttered the traditional prayer of " hee haw let it be tell me donkey who are we "
Amongst the SIM card tech class observance to the old ways was waning , but most still believed that the donkey gods knew something they couldn't fathom .
Famza , was born to a Gaia family up in the nature reserve of Caledonia . He was happy there and used to work as an educationalist, taking classes of Sims to the Forrest where they would learn tree craft , herb classification and river paddling . Many happy memories of evenings round a real wood fire , hitting each other across the head with pine branches and singing Gloria Gayners " I will survive " ( the anthem of the Gaia community ) as the night lights were switched off . 
But his life was to change when he received a brain injury from an attack by a big headed eagle . Treatment in hospital involved micro sim implants and his Gaia days were over . 
Donkey stopped abrupt and again started to nudge him .. Looking around he could see nothing out of the ordinary .. A few clothing shops displaying the latest bell bottom jeans and high wasters that were voted to be this years fashion , a nutrient exchange , and a chai latte social hub .. Donkey stamped his left rear foot and nodded his head towards the hub ... 
Suddenly his pheromone comparability detector started beeping ! That hadn't happened once in the last ten years of life in the Conurbation .. 
Famza was reminded then that a crying donkey signified partner deficiency ! Could it be ? He walked into the Hub and greeted everyone by pressing the automated hello messenger .. Dutifully everyone returned a smily to his processor . .. But one person looked up at him ! Their eyes met with his and her detector beeping madly ... There was a smile breaking free across his face as he watched her download a music emotion mood vibration and send it direct to his love- sim , this was better than any reboot ! Remembering the donkey Famza motioned to the woman that he would be back .. He went out .. But donkey had moved off .. Slowly walking away his ears turning this way and that to hear the inner desires of the people .. Again he smiled .. Hee haw indeed he thought , returning to his future companion , as she laughed and sparkled her surely semi -Gaian eyes across the room . 


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